The Student Association for Physics and Astronomy (SAPA) at An-‎Najah University launched "SAPA School" project, a project that assists ‎school students to join SAPA and be part of its different activities for ‎free. The project includes all class stages and aims to fill the gap between ‎school community and university community and integrate practice ‎within the teaching-learning process.‎

The project also aims to enrich students' experience in physics and prepare them for university life.

The Student Association for Physics and Astronomy represents students who are interested in physics and astronomy.

SAPA aims at developing the Palestinian students’ entrepreneurial thought and provide them with an opportunity to be exposed to diverse international experiences and experiments in physics and astronomy at all scientific and educational levels. As part of the Physics Department, it aspires to raise awareness on astronomy among the Palestinian students in particular and the Palestinian community in general.

عدد القراءات: 152