On Thursday, September 8, 2023, the Faculty of Science in collaboration with the International Grants and Projects Center at An-Najah Najah National University, held a workshop to discuss the mechanism of applying for the Erasmus+ program's projects in Palestine.

The event was attended by a number of faculty members and researchers interested in the field of scientific research, and it hosted Dr. Imad Ibrik, Director of the International Grants and Projects Center, and Dr. Abdel Karim Daragmeh, Director of the National Erasmus+ Office (NEO) in Palestine.

During the workshop, Dr. Ibrik presented various international grants, projects, and programs offered by the University, emphasizing the significance of the Erasmus+ program in enhancing the capabilities of Palestinian universities in all fields. The incentive mechanism adopted at An-Najah National University was also discussed.

Dr. Daragmeh spoke about the importance of the Erasmus+ program in promoting higher education opportunities and international cooperation in Palestine. He highlighted the various projects that have been successfully implemented under the program, and shared valuable insights on the application process.

He also emphasized the need to strengthen partnerships between Palestinian universities and their international counterparts, and encouraged attendees to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ program to enhance the quality of research and education in Palestine.

The workshop was a valuable platform for attendees to gain a deeper understanding of the Erasmus+ program and its potential benefits for the academic community in Palestine.

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