An-Najah National University's Department of Chemistry sent fourteen doctoral and master's students, along with Prof. Ahed Zyoud, Department Head, and Dr. Shaher Zyoud, Director General of Development and Scientific Research at the Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, on a visit to the Synchrotron-Light for Experimental Science and Applications in Jordan (SESAME).
The visit concluded successfully and the students were provided with a comprehensive introduction to the accelerator. They were given a tour of the various analysis lines in the accelerator and were introduced to the principle of the light accelerator, as well as its main components. This gave them a deeper understanding of the functioning and capabilities of the accelerator, which will undoubtedly benefit their research projects.

It included theoretical lectures and practical demonstrations on the preparation and analysis of samples, gaining valuable insights into the mechanisms involved. Additionally, the students were introduced to various analysis techniques that are relevant to their ongoing research projects, thereby broadening their knowledge base.
The students were also informed of the exciting prospect of conducting joint research at the SESAME Centre. This will enable them to collaborate with other researchers from different countries and fields, thus expanding their research horizons and promoting scientific progress.

To facilitate communication and access to the opportunities available at the accelerator, the students were approved as users of the center by creating accounts on the main website of the center. This will enable them to follow up on future announcements and circulars related to the Centre.
The visit to SESAME was an excellent opportunity for An-Najah's postgraduate students to enhance their knowledge and gain practical experience in their fields of study. The Department of Chemistry at An-Najah is committed to providing its students with the best opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge and looks forward to further collaboration with SESAME in the future.
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