Students Masa Halabi and Manar Odwan from the Physics Department at An-Najah have recently concluded their apprenticeship programme at The Synchrotron-Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME) in Jordan.

The training was over two weeks and is part of the department's vision to link the students with international scientific centres

The programme resulted from the academic cooperation between An-Najah and SESAME Jordan to offer apprenticeship programmes for the students.

Dr. Ahmed Bassalat, staff member at the Physics Department at An-Najah, who facilitated these oppurtunities and is planning for others very soon, has recently participated in the SESAME meeting in Jordan as representative of An-Najah and member of the national committee of the synchrotron project Palestine.

It is worth mentioning that the Physics Department offered a number of scholarships to its students through the first and the second Winter Schools of High Energy Physics in Palestine (WISHEPP) which were organized in November 2016 and 2017 respectively in cooperation with Paris-Sud 11 University and CERN Centre.

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